Roofing Issues

Photo Gallery of Common Roof Issues


“Murakami was very professional from beginning to end. Shelly was quick to respond in regards to the bidding, scheduling and payment. The workers were very professional. They brought their own portable toilet on sight, cleaned up after the job was done and completed our re-roofing on schedule. I would highly recommend Murakami roofi ng.” Me K., Mililani, HI

Need A Roof Quote?

Murakami Roofing Roof Issues Gallery

You Probably Need Murakami Roofing Free Written Estimate

Murakami Roofing has been in the roofing business for many years and has seen a huge variety of roof situations needing repair.

Sometimes a home addition creates an issue where the new addition roof gutters drain onto the original roof, but drainage considerations for the new water flow were not considered or added with the new roof.

Other times, you have damage from termites or high winds creating loose or missing shingles, but you have solar panels. What to do?  No problem, Murakami Roofing has handled this situation too.

Free written estimate and all questions answered at Murakami Roofing.  Call 808-348-8270.


Free Roof Inspection & Written Estimate

Give Murakami Roofing call at 808-348-8270, or email us at  You may also fill out our online request form to make an appointment. 

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What’s Included in a Murakami Roofing Inspection